Sunday, July 12, 2009

It's Magic

The tube I used is Archie Dickens PTU Found at Creative Image Licensing here

I used Weecotslass Mask #289 found here.

The Templet is Mine and found here.

Open a 600X600 filled with Black.. Minimize,

Open the Word Templet, open the tube you are going to use,

pick a color from the tube you want to use for the templet color

and then minimize the tube also.

Use the Magic Wand and click inside each of the letters of the templet.

Flood Fill with you color,go to Effects, Texture, Weave at these settings
Gap=1, Width=5, Opacity=66Weave color is darkest grey, Gap color is Black.

While the marching ants are still around all the letters pull your tube back up,
copy and paste as a new image,you may re-size the tube if it is to large.
After you know you can fit it into at least three different places on the word.
Copy and paste into the first area, just do paste again and place,
repeat as manytime as you like. . Go to your raster layers and click on
the word to invert. Moving up the tube layer one at a time,
highlight and hit your delete key.O ne at a time..after all the extra tube area is gone.
Select None.Minimize the word for now.

Open your 600 X 600 in black, and apply the Mask. Merge the group.
Select all - modify -Expand x 4.Go to Effects- Texture-Mosaic Antique .
Copy the flame tube and paste to the mask,now paste the Word,
then add the Main tube.Drop shadow as you like.

I also have given you a Flame tile for your text,that you can open and
then minimize,go to Material Pallet and set the flame tile to show in the
bottom color box.Do the top color in black.. Do your Text.Merge all visable.
Remember your copyrights and your own credits.

Save Note: I have mine saved as a png., if you wish to save different,

open a 600 X 600 filled with white. Copyyour tag and paste to the white

and then merge visable again.

This TUT is a ©BGHsnailtags