Monday, July 20, 2009

Evening Dreams

The Tube is Mine and can only be obtained in my Aimoo Group Here
You may use any tube, Bust size is better for this TUT

The Scrap is PTU from Babycakesscraps called Marissa
tagger size is $3.00 found Here

The Mask is mine called Sweet Love found Here

Open a Transparent 600 X 600 .
Open paper four, copy and paste to the Transparent Layer,
Open the Mask, Minimize, New Raster Layer, from Image,
in source window pick the mask, have the Invert Mask data Checked,
Ok. Merge Group.

Open the Oval frame, copy and paste as new image, close the Org.,
Resize the new image frame at 50%, Tick in center of frame
with your magic wand,
note, it did not go all the way to the edge in some areas.
Tick again in that area so the marching ants
are all close to the frame edge. Go to selections,
invert, open paper five, copy and paste over frame, use your keyboard delete.
Select none.And merge visible.

Copy the tube of your choice and set to the Frame.
Resize as needed, you can erase any areas you don't want to show,
just be sure the tube is still highlighted in your layers.
When you have it the way you like. Merge Visibe,
copy and paste to the Mask Background.

Add the elements you like.
Drop shadow all. Add the Copyrights, and merge.
I save in png. so there is no white background showing.
This TUT is a ©BGHsnailtags
Do not copy in anyway.
It may be printed for your use.

Sweet Love Mask

New Mask Download Here

Cute Template

As always a freebie
download Here